Whether the checkbox is checked, or "mixed".
Child nodes of this node, if any.
An additional human readable description of the node.
Whether the node is disabled.
Whether the node is expanded or collapsed.
Whether the node is focused.
What kind of popup is currently being shown for a node.
Whether and in what way this node's value is invalid.
Keyboard shortcuts associated with this node.
The level of a heading.
Whether the node is modal.
Whether the node text input supports multiline.
Whether more than one child can be selected.
A human readable name for the node.
Whether the node is oriented horizontally or vertically.
Whether the toggle button is checked, or "mixed".
Whether the node is read only.
Whether the node is required.
The role.
A human readable alternative to the role.
Whether the node is selected in its parent node.
The current value of the node.
The maximum value in a node.
The minimum value in a node.
A description of the current value.
What kind of autocomplete is supported by a control.