A dictionary that is available across your entire request, including across page naviagions.
When your request finishes, the key/values of this dictionary will be in the outputJson (userResponse.content.automation.storage
See the MetaStore documentation for more details.
log a value (and time this method is called) that will be found under pageResponse.automationResult.logs
and pageResponses.events
if you choose the request setting outputAsJson:true
(in [[IPageRequest]])
log an error. This will cause the API to return HTTP Status 424 if pageRequest.stopOnErrors=true
these errors are available in the JSON response output under userResponse.content.automation.errors
obtain the [[IPageRequest]] you submitted and used by this API call
contains helpers for operating outside of the current page. such as get/set values between page navigations, and logging details that will be stored in your response output.*